Routines · Running

Friday Update 06/17/16

Such a long week and I didn’t even do much!

Work has been crazy, so a few things kinda fell to the side. I didn’t get a single day of strength training in either, but I’m not upset because my schedule was changed to be around for my boyfriend’s birthday on Monday.

Tuesday, though. Oh my god, Tuesday. I don’t know what was up with me, but I was stressed and emotional and when I realized that I left my headphones at my guy’s place it all was just too much and I didn’t even want to run anymore.

 But I did anyway.

No heaphones. Crap mood. Humidity. And I still managed to knock out nine miles on the lakefront. I hated every minute of it, but the only reason why I stopped instead of going on a couple more miles was because I was hungry, not because of my attitude.

Because of my Thursday run group, Wednesdays are my new rest days. Unless I’m lifting, which sometimes happens on Wednesdays. I don’t even know what my schedule is doing right now, summers get randomly crazy for me.

Just over two months until my vacation in California. I bought myself some new cute clothes that actually fit, instead of my medley of now-baggy clothes from college. I have some research going for things to do in the LA area on days that we don’t have to run. I am so excited!

I have a lot going on this weekend with my Bestie, she’s getting married next weekend and I’m her photographer. The only wedding I will ever do ever. Seriously, this gal is lucky that she’s been my best friend since middle school. Lots of people have asked, but no one else has ever gotten a wedding out of me. A nice long run is planned for Monday before lifting at Fit Results to make up for not actively working out all weekend.

One of these days I’ll get a real routine going. Maybe.

One can dream.

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